Beomgyu TXT: Ultimate Guide to the Multi-Talented, Dualistic Star

Hi MOA or future MOA! MOA means “Moment of Alwaysness,” and it’s the name for the fans that support TOMORROW X TOGETHER. If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you have an interest in one of the members! Beomgyu has been stunning the world since his debut in March of 2019. Since then, he’s grown into a fabulous artist with many talents. And his duality? Once I get started about his soft side and his explosively charismatic side, I probably won’t be able to stop. 

Beomgyu has rocked several iconic looks over the years, but I still remember when he debuted with chestnut brown hair and immediately shifted to a pale blond for “Cat & Dog.” If you remember that, doesn’t it seem like forever ago? Since his debut, Beomgyu has made it a promise to always provide a safe atmosphere for his fans. As he grows as an artist, I just know that more and more people will appreciate the various glimmering sides to him. (There are too many to go over, but I’ll try my best for you!) 

TXT’s Beomgyu is one out of five. And of course, they are stronger when they’re together—that’s their whole dream! To build a new tomorrow with each other. But, I think diving into each member individually will be fun for both new and veteran MOA. Stay tuned for an ultimate guide for each of the four other members!  

Beomgyu TXT: Guide Start!

beomgyu txt photoshoot daydream
Beomgyu in The Name Chapter: TEMPTATION “Daydream” Photoshoot (Source: HYBE)

Pre-Debut and Casting Story

You might recognize one of Beomgyu’s childhood photos, a picture of him holding up a gun and staring straight into the camera. Who knew that he would be firing into the hearts of MOA very soon? This iconic photo reflects his childhood in a way, always holding a bit of mischief and causing laughter. 

beomgyu txt childhood
The Iconic Beomgyu Childhood Pic (Source: X/taegyulatte)

Beomgyu was known for playing in a band in school. And he also got great marks. Although he no doubt created great memories in school, a lot of his happy moments relate to family. Especially moments like listening to his father’s favorite tracks during a drive. His love for oldies music has been ingrained within him, which is why MOA will often find him suggesting music like “Time After Time” by Cyndi Lauper, which he posted on his Instagram along with a quiet yet moody carousel. 

His loving family includes his mom, dad, and brother. You also can’t forget Toto, a parrot that practically grew up alongside the singer. One childhood story involves him acting out against his older brother. (It was around the adolescent age when we think we can outsmart and talk back to our elders.) Beomgyu showed his attitude. Then, his brother gave him a good punch which knocked all the air out of him, and Beomgyu claims he instantly snapped out of his rebellious phase.  

beomgyu txt and toto
Beomgyu and His Precious Family Member, Toto (Source: X/TXT_members)

Beomgyu has always had a very sweet and caring side. When he was sick as a child, he once wrote a warning on his wall on a piece of paper, which included a prayer to get better. This sincerity has been carried all the way through since he was discovered.

He learned the guitar and found a passion for music, and his natural star power must’ve been shining when he was cast by BigHit Entertainment! Because he couldn’t make the audition in Seoul, BigHit came back to Daegu to hold his audition. There was something in Beomgyu, an aching potential waiting to be discovered. 

From Daegu to Trainee, Rushing Into a New Life 

Beomgyu was the last to join the lineup of TOMORROW X TOGETHER. That means he had the least time to train.

Going from Daegu into the bustling city of Seoul, Beomgyu reflects on the biting cold that he didn’t expect. Winters in Seoul are no joke, and he was unprepared. (Or at least, underestimating how much he would have to bundle up.) In fact, one of the very first things he did in Seoul was bust out his padded jacket.

Imagine arriving at a new place, fearing not only the frigid air but also this new lifestyle.

Perhaps the unexpected iciness was a foreshadowing of what Beomgyu would face in the coming year. He must’ve known that trainee life would be hard, but would it knock all the air out of him like a different kind of punch?

The trainee lifestyle is no joke, and Beomgyu’s period of adjusting was a tough one. He felt like he needed to “catch up” to the other four members—Yeonjun, Soobin, Taehyun, and Huening Kai. The endless hours of demanding practice took a toll. One day, he looked into the mirror and didn’t recognize himself. Who was that person? And did he even know where he was going anymore?

Even though his parents said he could always come home—his dad even suggested he return to Daegu—Beomgyu decided to tough it out. 

He even pressed on when he was asked to pack his bags (something that Huening Kai also faced). He has probably never apologized and promised to do better in a quicker fashion. 

Beomgyu kept going, chasing the dream of debut. 

It was such a blessing that he did! On March 4, 2019, he debuted as one of the members of TOMORROW X TOGETHER. 

Becoming Beomgyu TXT (Year 1)

Layout for Birthday for Beomgyu TXT
One of Beomgyu’s First Birthday Layouts (Source: X/TxTMorocco)

What were the other members’ first impressions of him, you might ask? The other four members like to tell a peculiar story about how Beomgyu was extremely quiet when he entered the company. They all got the impression that he was quite shy.

The next day, Beomgyu turned into quite the chatterbox, surprising the other four members with how he could become noisy when comfortable. Perhaps this quality is reflected well when he meets Park Boyoung, an actress he’s admired for a long time, in “Nothing Much Prepared” with Lee Youngji. Beomgyu could hardly get a word in, overcome with shyness in a rare moment. 

In the earliest videos of TXT, you might see Beomgyu introducing himself as the “moodmaker.” This means that he was responsible for being the energizer of the team. And that turned out to be very true! 

In the debut showcase, Beomgyu made a splash with his “Waeng.” It was birthed during a game, which included finding slips of paper with the Korean word for “king” to celebrate their debut song, “CROWN.” “Waeng” inspired an array of memes and even remixes, including the Waeng remix for BTS’ “DDAENG.” 

Besides the mood-raising comes Beomgyu’s passion for a perfect performance. In “ONE DREAM,” TXT’s documentary about their first showcase in the US, Beomgyu appears intense when he corrects Huening Kai regarding reading from the teleprompter and not treating the rehearsal like the actual performance.

Beomgyu recognizes this and compliments Huening Kai later on, but he admits to the camera that he gets sensitive when the performance doesn’t turn out as planned.  

In year one of his idol career, Beomgyu celebrated his eighteenth birthday (international age), captured the hearts of fans with Taehyun in “Smash the Universe Radio,” and put on an impressive performance with the iconic song “Run Away.” But, the best was yet to come for the new superstar. 

ACT 2: Chapter: Beomgyu TXT

Beomgyu TXT in Center of Group
TXT, Beomgyu in Center (Source: HYBE)

Discovering His Voice and Talents

One of the songs inspired by Beomgyu’s difficult trainee life is called “Maze in the Mirror.” Prepare your tissues before listening and reading the lyrics! That’s only a piece of Beomgyu’s accomplishments in composition and songwriting. He has the ear, and most importantly the heart, to write a captivating story. 

He is an instrumentalist at heart, learning guitar from YouTube tutorials. He loves picking strings rather than strumming, and his style of playing is soft like his inner soul. He even took up bass to play at the recent MAMA stage. On another stage, he rocked out on the electric guitar while performing a rap alongside JYP. As always, he was hard on himself for not hitting the notes like he did in rehearsal. But MOA didn’t even notice anything besides his earnestness and passion. 

In TXT, Beomgyu is known for his iconic deep, often husky voice. He is the “opener” many times, enchanting the listener in iconic singles like “Sugar Rush Ride” and “CROWN.” He says that he must put his all into it, grabbing the attention of someone who might make a judgment from the opening lines. It’s a lot of pressure, but Beomgyu thrives from the challenge. 

His songwriting and composing are nothing to be scoffed at. Just look at the list of his credits. Here are some of the iconic tracks he’s worked on: 

“What If I Had Been That PUMA (밸런스 게임)”

“Thursday’s Child Has Far To Go”

“Happy Fools (feat. Coi Leray)”


“Blue Spring”

Why Duality? Beomgyu TXT

Duality. You might’ve heard it many times related to K-pop. But trust me, the term “duality” really does apply in Choi Beomgyu’s case. 

From watching a few videos about Beomgyu, you might encounter some chaos and yelling. After all, he is often accosting other members of TXT or playing pranks. New MOA might label him a pure extrovert. 

But when taking a look at his livestreams, you can discover a softer side to Beomgyu. He loves to reflect on old songs, take pictures that accompany his nostalgic mood, and be quiet and reflective. He enjoys being lowkey when he isn’t bringing his battery in front of the camera. 

If there were an award for duality, Beomgyu would be first in line to receive it.

It’s not merely about being an ambivert, but about the two sides that he chooses to show depending on the situation. And both sides are genuine, not just something he conjures up for the sake of being labeled dualistic.   

Beomgyu TXT Radio Show Photo
Beomgyu on His Radio Show, Beomedio (Source: Weverse)

Lockdown Shenanigans of Beomgyu TXT

Freeze is forever! And that’s a fact! During the beginning of the lockdown, Beomgyu faced the music. It turned out, it would be a sad song for quite a while—with the plans for their first concert completely driven to a halt. 

During this time, the iconic The Chaos Chapter: FREEZE was released. And during a very dark time in the world, Beomgyu joined his members to give MOA and the rest of humanity a little bit of light. 

With his iconic long hair slash mullet, with icy highlights in his dark locks, he gained attention not just for his visuals, but for the magnetism in his personality. With his take on English words like “hand sanitizer” and “press the heart button,” he gained the attention of worldwide viewers and created new Beomgyu-biased MOA. 

This era is also called the “doing whatever we want era,” where TXT gained massive popularity on TikTok. All in all, lockdown was a rough time for Beomgyu—who wanted nothing more than to see his fans. But, he made the best of it. And he did what he did best, making art that inspires and gives hope. 

I’m sure the gamer within him also thrived during the quieter moments of his career. In fact, he managed to maintain a diamond rank in League of Legends, which a very, very small percentage in Korea even manage to reach. Taehyun calls Beomgyu a pro gamer, which honestly does not exaggerate at all. 

Laser focused. To keep forging ahead toward the victory that’s within reach. Perhaps playing competitive matches is somewhat like what Beomgyu faced as a singer desperate to see “Victory” flash before him. 

Iconic Lines and Moments

Watermelon? I’ve never looked at the fruit the same way again after his iconic interview in the US. 

But that was just the start of Beomgyu’s comedic trailblazing. One joke that he loves to fall back on is imitating Yeonjun’s rapping style—especially the iconic verse in “Blue Hour,” where he overemphasizes Yeonjun’s more nasally tone. He sounds much more like a chipmunk than Yeonjun, but it’s definitely a 10/10 in terms of replay value.

In 2021, Beomgyu harmonized with the artist Seori in the fan-favorite single “0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You),” showing off the richness of his tone. He carried this on in LO$ER=LO♡ER, which brought out his punk, rebellious side.  

In 2023’s “Sugar Rush Ride,” Beomgyu brought out his best in his opening line: 

생각은 곧 숨을 멈췄어

When you get back 

As he twists his body back and looks at MOA with a gaze that encapsulates the era of temptation, Beomgyu reached a comfort in his performance. To show his rebellious, earnest, and even angsty side. 

As he sings the prized chorus in “Chasing That Feeling” and refines his vocal delivery in “Deja Vu” and “Over The Moon,” Beomgyu truly finds who he is as an artist. Someone who always wants to improve and show his best aspects to his fans. 

Act 3: Our Youth With Beomgyu TXT

Beomgyu at ACT: LOVESICK
Beomgyu at the ACT: LOVESICK Concert, TXT’s First World Tour (Source: HYBE)

First Concert, World Tour Struggles

I still remember waiting anxiously for the first in-person concert with TXT. ACT: LOVESICK was going to go down in history, and I struggled to ease my racing heart while standing in line to enter Jamsil Indoor Stadium. 

Dressed in princely outfits and wearing fierce expressions, TXT used everything they learned to create a masterful performance. This first concert enchanted MOA and showed that the band had what it takes to be touring artists. Beomgyu joined his members to launch several world tours, going everywhere from Asia, Southeast Asia, and North America, to the upcoming Europe.

Beomgyu launched into headlining Lollapalooza, reached #1 on the Billboard 200 chart, and collaborated with top artists the Jonas Brothers and Anitta. As tours ACT: LOVESICK, ACT: SWEET MIRAGE, and ACT: PROMISE were announced, it seemed that there was no break before the next dates were lined up. 

Beomgyu braved the harsh schedule. But it didn’t come without pain. The harsh world tour demands took a toll on Beomgyu’s health, and he had to step back during performances and recover from injury and anxiety. In one heartbreaking video, Beomgyu, sobbing, embraces a member of his protocol team after the final show of the tour wrapped up. 

In a more recent clip, Beomgyu rushes off stage to gather himself before returning to the rest of the group. In these clips, his humanity comes through and shows that even an idol who has accomplished so much can deal with stage fright. 

As TXT prepares for another world tour, Beomgyu enjoys a month-long break at the start of January 2025. Since he’s someone who loves to relax and sleep in, MOA wishes him a restful time as he spends the new year with family and his lovable parrot, Toto. 

Beomgyu TXT Instagram Photo
Beomgyu Taking a Rest (Source: Instagram/bamgyuuuu)

Becoming a Master of the Variety Show

Beomgyu stated that he likes to bring all of himself to variety shows, showing off the extremes of his mischief. And that shines through in programs like Jessi’s iconic TXT interview, the whole of their Weekly Idol episodes, and of course To Do

In each episode, MOA can view Beomgyu causing chaos, not being afraid to yell and play tricks during the most competitive of games.

Perhaps he comes most alive in moments like imitating Huening Kai in To Do, especially harping on the aegyo and penguin similarities.

Or maybe viewers might enjoy Beomgyu with Julien Kang, in his own show Workout ZZANG, where he runs away from the camera constantly and causes havoc within the filming crew. “I wasn’t born yesterday” never sounded so iconic. (It’s now one of his signature lines, thanks to Julien, though he does regret teaching Beomgyu.)

His Soft, Nostalgic, and Introspective Heart

Beomgyu TXT “Sukidakara” Screenshot
Beomgyu in His Cover of “Sukidakara” by Yuika (Source: TOMORROW X TOGETHER OFFICIAL YouTube)

Perhaps MOA and future MOA might find joy in watching Beomgyu’s covers, which reflect his sensitive side. “Wonder,” “you!”, and “Sukidakara” all show off the wispy side of Beomgyu’s voice, which can actually be quite lighter than what he shows off in TXT’s group tracks.  

In TXT’s vlogs, called TXT-LOG, Beomgyu doesn’t play on his explosive side too much. Rather, he talks sweetly to the camera and his members. In a more recent one, he goes on a date with TXT’s Taehyun, as they shop for gifts for the other members in the Jongno area. The video editors correctly labeled the video as “cozy.” And that comes alive most when Beomgyu and Taehyun sing in a lullaby style to Soobin, who took a break at the end of 2024. 

Beomgyu once responded to a fan on Weverse who struggled with depression. He said that depression is nothing to be ashamed of. He wishes MOA could treat themselves well at the end of the day, patting themselves on the back and saying that they did a good job today.

Is anyone else tearing up? 

When not listening to TXT’s flawless discography, perhaps a Beomgyu-biased MOA will be replaying their favorite moments of To Do. Perhaps they have a folder of memes, Beomgyu’s loud voice filling up their mind with noise that comforts them rather than disarms them.

But when the night turns deep, a Beomgyu fan might open up a hidden folder. One that includes his most intimate moments on live stream, the tender messages he sends to fans, and his soft-spoken phrases that seem like moonlight compared to the sunshine of the self-proclaimed moodmaker.

While falling asleep, they might think about how they have facets to themselves too. Sides that they show some people, to the majority, to their closest circle, and maybe even to no one.

Perhaps that’s why Beomgyu is my bias. As someone who loves to write about characters with multiple sides to them, I identify with how one night could be filled with raucous laughter with friends and the other with the buzz of quiet music and gaming. 

A tip for MOA: If you meet Beomgyu on the street, will you ask him for all of us: “Will you play a game of League of Legends with me?

It might just surprise us all what he says. 

Beomgyu TXT, Cosmetics Model
Beomgyu as Ambassador for Coralhaze, Cosmetics Brand (Source: Coralhaze/HYBE)

Follow Beomgyu on Instagram here! Keep up with TXT on Weverse, and make sure to subscribe to their YouTube channel! This was fictiondipity and one of five ultimate guides for the lovely members of TOMORROW X TOGETHER. Visit me on my blog again next week! Continue loving storytelling and TXT, and let me know about your favorite charm of Beomgyu! 

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