Hi fiction lover! I’m happy to say that I’ve found my groove with reading again! Have you ever been in a reading slump? There were times in my reading journey when I couldn’t even pick up a book for longer than fifteen minutes, and I struggled to get through the pages. Now, I am selective with what I read—I only pick it up if the premise jumps at me! And this one definitely did. The House Witch by Delemhach was such a delight. I couldn’t put it down, and it had me smiling with a warm feeling in my stomach. Thank you for stopping by for my The House Witch review, and I hope you find it appetizing!
The House Witch Review — Taking a Comforting Bite

When I first saw this book while browsing, I thought it was probably some sort of fantasy featuring a female protagonist. I was surprised to find that the main character is actually a man, and the “house” actually refers to his powers. Fin Ashowan has the power of keeping his home safe and comforting. That means that he can catapult intruders out of his home, and he also can levitate things in his house to do his bidding. The latter comes incredibly handy when he’s hired as the new castle cook.
Fin enters the castle with confidence. He is more than proficient in his abilities as a cook, and he takes charge. However, he wasn’t expecting to run into the unexpected and beautiful Lady Annika. And although he wants to keep his identity as a witch a secret… the castle might just have other plans for his powers.
I love the premise so much! I am all for a protagonist with interesting powers, and Fin’s ability to keep things tidy and cozy was a lovely draw for me. I was in desperate need of a cozy fantasy, something without super high stakes, and focused more on a love story. So this was right up my alley.
The House Witch does have a fair share of humor, ranging from a bit of slapstick to more crude stuff—especially involving a group of rowdy knights. But rising above the humor is the book’s ability to make you feel comforted! Almost like the Royal Cook Fin is in your house, tidying things up and asking whether you want your dinner of beef bulgogi.
Fin was such a sweetheart. I have to say though… he got me fired up at times! I guess it was because I was seeing things outside of his viewpoint. At some times, I wanted him to be more chill. At other times, more confident. Fin definitely made me invested, and I wanted him to experience the love that he gives so many others through his incredible food.
Feeding hundreds of people a day is no easy task, and the other characters who help him range from the spunky Hannah to his very own familiar, the cat Kraken. I loved the omniscient third-person point of view, because it truly felt like I was transported around the castle, and I grew to love the kingdom of Daxaria!
Daxaria is run by people just like you and me, with all their quirks and shortcomings. I even grew to love the king and queen! There are a few characters that made me scratch my head, and of course, there are a lot of castle residents with big egos. Fin navigates his new life in this royal setting with courage, but the question is—does he have what it takes to manage such an important job?
More Sweets and Coziness
Fin’s sweetheart attitude, as I mentioned, is balanced with his fiery confidence in the kitchen. I loved him getting comfortable in the castle, growing in the “house” area of his powers. Although he is not a “normal” witch, he has an incredible gift.
That brings me to one of the book’s themes—about standing up to oppression. Not only is Fin a “deficient” witch, but he is also looked down upon as a witch in general. So not only does his own community look down on him, but the general population too. Fin’s story shows that you can rise about people’s stigma on you.
And the romance! It was lovely and very sweet. There wasn’t any spice, but I didn’t feel like the story was lacking in any passion. I won’t spoil anything about Annika, but she made me gasp several times. I love her!
Overall, the prose was casual and lighthearted. I think it’s the perfect read if you want to relax and get transported to a realm that mirrors ours in many ways. At the same time, I will say that there’s a ton more court intrigue than I expected. I moved around to key players in the castle, finding out about the political situation along with various tensions among the royals. If you’re looking for more of a pure romance, I would maybe look elsewhere. But still, I can’t recommend The House Witch by Delemhach enough!
Thank you very much for reading my The House Witch review. I’m sending you love this December. Are you planning anything? Maybe a book haul to treat yourself before the year ends? Join me on my blog again next week! I’m here to accompany you on your storytelling journey. Thank you for loving fandom, books, and more with me.